Boosted Curve

Deposit liquidity, earn boosted CRV and rewards

Total Revenue
367.3m CRV
Total CRV Earned
% of cvx locked
Liquidity Providers
Earn CRV with a better boost

Deposit your Curve LP tokens to earn Curve trading fees, boosted CRV and CVX tokens.

Boost is pooled from CRV stakers so you do not need to worry about locking yourself.

CRV Stakers
Put your CRV to work

Stake and earn additional CRV on top of CVX tokens and Curve trading fees.

The Token
Stake CVX and earn more

Stake your CVX rewards back into the platform and earn platform fees.

How it works

Step 01
Deposit any amount of CRV tokens into Convex
Step 02
Receive cvxCRV tokens in exchange for providing CRV
Step 03
Receive a share of the total CRV rewards
Step 04
Earn Curve platform trading fees
Supported by Curve